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Πρόγραμμα eTwinning

Το σχολείο μας κατά τη διάρκεια της σχολικής χρονιάς 2014-2015 συμμετείχε στο πρόγραμμα σε συνεργασία με άλλα σχολεία. (ένα από τη Γαλλία, ένα από την Πολωνία και τρία από την Αρμενία).  Ο Διευθυντής του σχολείου μας, οποίος συμμετείχε σε σχετικό σεμινάριο επαφής στην Αρμενία οργάνωσε και υπέβαλλε, σε συνεργασία με τους εκπαιδευτικούς από τα άλλα σχολεία, στον Εθνικό φορέα (ΙΔΕΠ) το πρόγραμμα που υλοποιήθηκε τη φετινή σχολική χρονιά.



"Let's know our countries from our schools"

Tools to be used:
e-mail, Forum, Other software (PowerPoint, video, pictures and drawings), Twin space, Video conference

- to celebrate European Plus diversity - to open new culture horizons for whole school communities in partner countries - to enrich students` knowledge about culture of other countries - to introduce our culture to others - to promote our countries in Europe Plus - to motivate students to learn English language and to make opportunities for using and developing their English skills

Work process:
First of all students will create a PowerPoint presentation that will introduce shortly school celebrations for every month of the school year. Every month we will present celebrations organized at partner schools. We are going to organize a videoconference, too. During it students will sing/listen Christmas carols in our mothers languages. Our final product - the calendar will be presented in an exhibition at schools. At the end of the project we will organize a special assemblies and present our eTwinning Plus cooperation to all school community.

Expected results:
With this project, our children will grow in knowledge and awareness of culture of their friends in the partner school. They will learn to appreciate, understand, celebrate and respect the richness and uniqueness of European Plus diversity. Through the project we want promote the study of foreign languages. Because our students learn English at schools we want to create  them opportunities to use and develop their skills in practise. The important is also using ICT tools in the project. Children will learn to email, search information on the Net, make presentations...The final result of our cooperation is a join calendar, created together. It will contain information about special days celebrated in our schools.